It's raining, it's pouring, The Old man is snoring! Yes, I woke up to pouring rain, and thunder soon followed! It was raining off and on but now I can see a few rays of sunshine. Hopefully, their is no rain on the first day of school tomorrow! The rain put a damper on my yardsales today! Sundays you can occasionally find a few, but I saw about 5 listed in the same area for today so last night I made a plan to go. I guess the sellers didn't plan on rain either! I did find a few treasures at the thrift store this week though!
Some vintage sheets with Mickey Mouse, and Snoopy! Snoopy has already sold! YEAH!
Some cute new sandals, if they don't sell they are my size. So no big deal!
Do you remember Caboodles? I loved these things when they came out, and still do! I still have one of my original ones. Little sweetpea also has one to lug around her small toys. I buy them whenever I see them if the latch isn't broken. They are good for holding small items, especially crafty items. Found this one for $3.00. One of the fancy ones with two tiers!
Linking up with Yardsale Mommy
Southern Hospitality and Her Library Adventures
Sunday, July 31, 2011
Friday, July 29, 2011
School is around the corner!
School starts Monday and there are lots of frown around here!
Miss N. (little sweetpea) starts 1st grade!
Mr. N starts 6th grade!
Mr. I starts 9th grade! (where does the time go?!) Lucky him, he doesn't start for another week.
Today we picked up a few last minute items, and thank goodness for grandma's who help pay for new school clothes! I found this backpack at the thrift store for little sweetpea. 3 bucks, and really clean inside, looks barely used!
This lonely chair was sitting all by it's lonesome. Grabbed it for free!
Remember these chairs? School memories.
Miss N. (little sweetpea) starts 1st grade!
Mr. N starts 6th grade!
Mr. I starts 9th grade! (where does the time go?!) Lucky him, he doesn't start for another week.
Today we picked up a few last minute items, and thank goodness for grandma's who help pay for new school clothes! I found this backpack at the thrift store for little sweetpea. 3 bucks, and really clean inside, looks barely used!
This lonely chair was sitting all by it's lonesome. Grabbed it for free!
Remember these chairs? School memories.
Monday, July 25, 2011
Goodjunk Finds 7/25
Mr. Goodjunks was up and running about 7am Friday morning! (he's such an early bird) He went to a yard sale and found me the cutest things for our bathroom. Our bathroom is a sea theme, but you will have to wait until the end of this post to see what he got! :)
When he brought home my lovely gift he told me there was an apartment complex having a sale. So I got ready and figured since we would be running about, I would check Craigslist for some other yard sales in the area. Well, the apartment sale was a bust. All I bought was a shirt for my son, a shirt for me, and a knock knock joke book for my daughter.
At another yard sale, I bought this mask, knowing my boys would wear it.
Yard Sale stop #2 had some ebay treasure waiting for me!
I took a chance on this YU Gi Oh dragon for $5.00
I also found these Halloween Simpsons Burger King Meal toys, 25 cents each. In the completed listing section, some of these have already sold. Still deciding to wait closer to Halloween or list now
I also found this wire rectangular basket. Then came Mr. Goodjunks favorite question: "What are you going to do with that?" My reply "I don't know yet, it will come to me sooner or later"
Last but not least was yard sale #3.
Found some Pumpkin lights by Hallmark, old recipe cards, Scrabble crossword/domino game, and some Clifford books. I love Clifford, oh, and my daughter does too! How could I resist with the sweet bundle of books tied together? Did you know John Ritter did his voice in the PBS cartoon? I knew the voice sounded familiar but I could never place it, and I never thought to check the credits.
Now to the best finds. Mr. Goodjunks brought home these vintage seahorses and fish! I also love how their are three small seahorses since we have 3 kids. Each piece was 25 cents!
We also found part of an old door in an alley! Probably put out in the garden!
I'm linking up with Yardsale Mommy!
Also linking with Southern Hospitality for Todays Thrifty Treasures every Monday! Apron Thrift Girl Her Library Adventures
When he brought home my lovely gift he told me there was an apartment complex having a sale. So I got ready and figured since we would be running about, I would check Craigslist for some other yard sales in the area. Well, the apartment sale was a bust. All I bought was a shirt for my son, a shirt for me, and a knock knock joke book for my daughter.
At another yard sale, I bought this mask, knowing my boys would wear it.
Yard Sale stop #2 had some ebay treasure waiting for me!
I took a chance on this YU Gi Oh dragon for $5.00
I also found these Halloween Simpsons Burger King Meal toys, 25 cents each. In the completed listing section, some of these have already sold. Still deciding to wait closer to Halloween or list now
I also found this wire rectangular basket. Then came Mr. Goodjunks favorite question: "What are you going to do with that?" My reply "I don't know yet, it will come to me sooner or later"
Last but not least was yard sale #3.
Found some Pumpkin lights by Hallmark, old recipe cards, Scrabble crossword/domino game, and some Clifford books. I love Clifford, oh, and my daughter does too! How could I resist with the sweet bundle of books tied together? Did you know John Ritter did his voice in the PBS cartoon? I knew the voice sounded familiar but I could never place it, and I never thought to check the credits.
Now to the best finds. Mr. Goodjunks brought home these vintage seahorses and fish! I also love how their are three small seahorses since we have 3 kids. Each piece was 25 cents!
We also found part of an old door in an alley! Probably put out in the garden!
I'm linking up with Yardsale Mommy!
Also linking with Southern Hospitality for Todays Thrifty Treasures every Monday! Apron Thrift Girl Her Library Adventures
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Rags to Riches
I'm tired after another day on the beach! YEAH! SO this is quick and sweet. I will share my thrifty finds in another post.
You have heard of a little show called Storage Wars, right?! and one of the stars Dave Hester, right?! YYYUUUUPPP! (sorry, couldn't resist) If you watch the show then you know he has a thrift store here in Southern California. We stopped before heading home.
He has a lot of furniture, quite pricy I might add. Kudos to the people who buy it, and him since he reaps a great profit! Location, Location, Location! He has a little bitty section with clothes and shoes.
So when I'm out thrifting around, I will think of Dave's prices and try not to be so cheap!! (sometimes)
You have heard of a little show called Storage Wars, right?! and one of the stars Dave Hester, right?! YYYUUUUPPP! (sorry, couldn't resist) If you watch the show then you know he has a thrift store here in Southern California. We stopped before heading home.
He has a lot of furniture, quite pricy I might add. Kudos to the people who buy it, and him since he reaps a great profit! Location, Location, Location! He has a little bitty section with clothes and shoes.
So when I'm out thrifting around, I will think of Dave's prices and try not to be so cheap!! (sometimes)
Friday, July 22, 2011
This week was all about books
I sold a quilting book on ebay for $10.50 and a relationship book for $7.99. The quilting book cost me $1.10. I also bought 6 other quilting books from the thrift store for the same price but none of the others sold. Even if I count the prices of those books I still made a profit. I'll probably just give the others to a friend who quilts. The relationship book cost me $1.60, which leaves a good profit. A lot of 4 Arthur board books sold for $14.00.
I sold this book on etsy for $10.00, and it was only listed for a few days, yeah!
I originally got it from a bag sale from one of the local libraries. Each library differs in price and bag size. Prices range from $2-4 dollars a bag. Some use the plastic bags, like the ones you get from the grocery store, or a brown paper bag. I love going to bag sales, the kids can get some books, and sometimes I find a good book for me or my mom. Libraries will sometimes also have magazines, dvd's, cd's, and vhs tapes you can put in your bag.
I sold this book on etsy for $10.00, and it was only listed for a few days, yeah!
I originally got it from a bag sale from one of the local libraries. Each library differs in price and bag size. Prices range from $2-4 dollars a bag. Some use the plastic bags, like the ones you get from the grocery store, or a brown paper bag. I love going to bag sales, the kids can get some books, and sometimes I find a good book for me or my mom. Libraries will sometimes also have magazines, dvd's, cd's, and vhs tapes you can put in your bag.
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Handmade Gift Exchange!
Craftaholics Anonymous hosted their semi-annual Handmade Gift Exchange in June. I was matched with Mary from Redo 101. We exchanged emails and I didn't have a blog at the time so I sent her to check out my Pinterest account. ( Don't you just love that site?! I'm addicted) Anyways, back to the exchange..She sent me these lovely letters that spell home and she mod podged maps of my town and surrounding cities.
I love, love, love them! My husband does too! He unwrapped mostly everything before I had a chance! I checked out her blog, and saw she liked chickens, and cherries, and the color red. So chickens, cherries, and red were running through my mind! I went to the thrift store shortly after we exchanged emails and I found 3, yes 3 mind you, pedestal bases. I was thrilled, because I've been seeing them all over blog land and I couldn't find a one! I painted one maroon.
On that same thrift store trip I found a cute little chicken with a clothespin attached to hold recipes! I was on a roll! I sanded him, and also painted him maroon. Also added a hook on the back in case Mary wanted to hang him.
I know, he his not painted in this picture! Bad, bad, blogger! Give me a break, I'm a newbie! Hopefully Mary will have some better pics! ;)
I also sent this Uncle Sam hat.
It was quite a journey for my gift to get to her, but I'm glad it's there now! Linking this up! I hope, I think, I'm trying!
I love, love, love them! My husband does too! He unwrapped mostly everything before I had a chance! I checked out her blog, and saw she liked chickens, and cherries, and the color red. So chickens, cherries, and red were running through my mind! I went to the thrift store shortly after we exchanged emails and I found 3, yes 3 mind you, pedestal bases. I was thrilled, because I've been seeing them all over blog land and I couldn't find a one! I painted one maroon.
On that same thrift store trip I found a cute little chicken with a clothespin attached to hold recipes! I was on a roll! I sanded him, and also painted him maroon. Also added a hook on the back in case Mary wanted to hang him.
I know, he his not painted in this picture! Bad, bad, blogger! Give me a break, I'm a newbie! Hopefully Mary will have some better pics! ;)
I also sent this Uncle Sam hat.
It was quite a journey for my gift to get to her, but I'm glad it's there now! Linking this up! I hope, I think, I'm trying!

Monday, July 18, 2011
Yard Sale = Beach Fun
Saturday we had a yard sale which was originally planned about 2 weeks ago, but Who wants to have a yard sale when it's 100 degree's outside?! Finally bit the bullet and just did it!
Toys 50 cents or 3 for a dollar!
Some dishes,pots, and pans, oh my! Sold all this for $7.00
Table items
Some of hubby's stuff. Sold the camping stove for $6.00
Some clothes and other misc. items
No one even asked about my old lamp. Didn't really want to sell it anyway, just put it out for attraction! Did sell that bookcase in the background for $5.00 though.
Yes, it was slow most of the time. We don't live on a busy street, and we do live in an older community. A sweet little butterfly did come to visit though and let me take a few pics.
After, we took all the leftover items to a little thrift shop that helps battered women and children. We had enough earnings to spend Sunday at the beach! The kids had fun looking for sand crabs.
A man was making this great sand creature!
Here's a poster, I found on a wall of a building while driving around!
Can't wait to see the Smurfs movie when it comes out! I adored them as a kid!
Toys 50 cents or 3 for a dollar!
Some dishes,pots, and pans, oh my! Sold all this for $7.00
Table items
Some of hubby's stuff. Sold the camping stove for $6.00
Some clothes and other misc. items
No one even asked about my old lamp. Didn't really want to sell it anyway, just put it out for attraction! Did sell that bookcase in the background for $5.00 though.
Yes, it was slow most of the time. We don't live on a busy street, and we do live in an older community. A sweet little butterfly did come to visit though and let me take a few pics.
After, we took all the leftover items to a little thrift shop that helps battered women and children. We had enough earnings to spend Sunday at the beach! The kids had fun looking for sand crabs.
A man was making this great sand creature!
Here's a poster, I found on a wall of a building while driving around!
Can't wait to see the Smurfs movie when it comes out! I adored them as a kid!
Friday, July 15, 2011
Post Office....GRRRRR
Well, here's a little lesson I learned from the Post Office! GGRRR....Monday night I made some labels for some items I sold on etsy and ebay. I put my items out by my mailbox on Tuesday, and guess what, my mailman didn't take the packages! Okay, Mr. Mailman, your so rude, anyways, put them out again Wednesday and yes, Mr. Mailman took them. Thursday the packages are returned to me with a little note saying they couldn't mail the packages because, the label was over a day old. Well guess what Post Office, your employee didn't do his job and take the packages when he was suppose to, so all I could do was remail the packages, meaning paying double postage. After all that I still do end up with a $10.00 profit. Was it worth it? I don't know. I was just going to refund the people their money back but hubby said to just remail the packages. So the lesson is: Don't trust your mailman, and drive the packages to the post office myself!
Monday, July 11, 2011
My hubby is An Angel!
Saturday morning hubby went out to look at some yard sales. He came home and surprised me with this sweet angel for the garden!
She was only 5 dollars. Then he says, the lady had another one too! Well, silly husband why didn't you get that one too? His reply was, one is enough. Okay, I can't complain since he brought home the one as a lovely surprise, but if I was with him you bet I would have grabbed both!
He also came home with these Chinese Fortune sticks for 25 cents a way better deal than 12.99( the original price tag was still on the bottom)
According to the directions on the can, You shake the can and pick the stick that comes out the most.
Here is what I picked, "You will have a bad dream but no harm will follow"
hhhhhhmmmmm...well, no bad dreams so far. Wishing everyone good dreams!
She was only 5 dollars. Then he says, the lady had another one too! Well, silly husband why didn't you get that one too? His reply was, one is enough. Okay, I can't complain since he brought home the one as a lovely surprise, but if I was with him you bet I would have grabbed both!
He also came home with these Chinese Fortune sticks for 25 cents a way better deal than 12.99( the original price tag was still on the bottom)
According to the directions on the can, You shake the can and pick the stick that comes out the most.
Here is what I picked, "You will have a bad dream but no harm will follow"
hhhhhhmmmmm...well, no bad dreams so far. Wishing everyone good dreams!
Friday, July 8, 2011
Thrift Store finds
About a month ago a sweet little store opened by my moms house filled with vintage goodness. I went to the grand opening and haven't been back since, until yesterday! I found this milk glass vase
to add to my collection! Now I have two of those vases! I couldn't resist this sweet little floral frog.
I also found a FireKing Candleglow baking dish!
Can't resist pyrex or Fire King! Hope everyone is keeping cool, still 100 degrees over here and I am now going to enjoy a nice cool glass of sun tea.
to add to my collection! Now I have two of those vases! I couldn't resist this sweet little floral frog.
I also found a FireKing Candleglow baking dish!
Can't resist pyrex or Fire King! Hope everyone is keeping cool, still 100 degrees over here and I am now going to enjoy a nice cool glass of sun tea.
Monday, July 4, 2011
Happy Fourth of July
I hope everyone has a fun and safe fourth of July!
I found this snowglobe by Martha Stewart shortly after the Fourth of July last year at the thrift store! Glad to be displaying this year! Didn't have the yard sale after all, woke up to late. Postponed till I don't know when. Instead, went swimming in the pool with the kids, rented a movie, and game from the redbox. Stay cool everybody!
I found this snowglobe by Martha Stewart shortly after the Fourth of July last year at the thrift store! Glad to be displaying this year! Didn't have the yard sale after all, woke up to late. Postponed till I don't know when. Instead, went swimming in the pool with the kids, rented a movie, and game from the redbox. Stay cool everybody!
Friday, July 1, 2011
Hello and It's HOT HOT HOT!
Hello everyone!
This is my blog, Sweetpea's goodjunks. Sweetpea was a name my husband gave me once upon a time and goodjunks is a term my husband likes to use everytime I go out to the thrift stores or anywhere really. He says, "Did you get any goodjunks?" This blog will mostly be about my thrifting adventures and posting my "goodjunk" finds! Here in Sunny CA, it will be 100 degrees all week! Blah. We are also planning on having a yard sale tomorrow, we'll see how long that will last!!
Last week I made a stepping stone!
Here it is all laid out in an old round cake pan on contact paper. Then you pour in the mixed cement. Let it sit for about three days and this is what you get!
I will have to give a more in depth tutorial later! :)
This is my blog, Sweetpea's goodjunks. Sweetpea was a name my husband gave me once upon a time and goodjunks is a term my husband likes to use everytime I go out to the thrift stores or anywhere really. He says, "Did you get any goodjunks?" This blog will mostly be about my thrifting adventures and posting my "goodjunk" finds! Here in Sunny CA, it will be 100 degrees all week! Blah. We are also planning on having a yard sale tomorrow, we'll see how long that will last!!
Last week I made a stepping stone!
Here it is all laid out in an old round cake pan on contact paper. Then you pour in the mixed cement. Let it sit for about three days and this is what you get!
I will have to give a more in depth tutorial later! :)
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