Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Yard Sale Finds

Last weekends High School rummage sale was a bust! Found a few books but that was it! Stopped at another rummage sale and found this Racing jacket.

We went to Mr. Goodjunks sisters house in the OC and stopped at a little thrift store. I found these items plus about 10 pieces of clothing. I took my items up to the counter and the lady said $7.00 for everything!
Woo-hoo! I should make my money back just by selling the Bumbo chair or the baby activity toy that are now sitting at a consignment sale along with the clothes I found.
Some of those clothes already sold too! Yesterday, consignors and volunteers got to shop early. Today it is open to the public until Friday.
I hope to get some pics of my finds up.

Have a good day! Happy treasures to you.


Friday, March 16, 2012

Estate Sale Finds

Went out this fine day, with a light light drizzle, if you can even call it a drizzle. A big storm is suppose to be coming my way in Southern California but nothing yet!
I found some great finds:
Sweet Yellow Pyrex Bowl

Some new slippers and Southern Pacific Trains

10 of these vintage bingo cards, with slider tabs

Vintage Pillowcases

Can someone tell me what this is? I thought it would be good to hold pictures.

This sweet little table

Here is the best part! My total should have been around $35.00. The trains alone were marked $3 each, the bowl was $5, the table was $2, but when I brought everything to the lady up front, she said....Oh, everything for $12.00!!! YEAH! No wonder when I got there I saw people leaving with their arms full of stuff!! Happy day...tomorrow one of the high schools is suppose to be having a big rummage sale rain or I hope that goes well too!

Linking UP:
Her Library Adventures for Flea Market Finds
Apron Thrift Girl for Thrift Share Monday


Sunday, March 4, 2012

I'm Tired of Seeing it All!

Last week at my favorite thrift, I found all these great finds.

The thrift store seems to have raised their prices too! GGRRRR....Items that were a $1.00, are now $2 or $3. I bought a few books, books seem to do well for me at consignment sales, and I also save them for book lots on ebay. Found some recipe cards, plush toys, a pyrex bowl, and other toys. The cashier rung up my pyrex bowl, books, an ionic breeze, vintage see n say, and a few of the plushes. He gave out a big sigh and said what if I just charge you $2.00 for the rest because I'm tired of seeing it all! I was thinking okay, great, and I also just thought he was talking about the plush toys. I didn't mind since they raised prices. After he bagged the plush toys, he bagged the rest of the toys. Inside I was screaming yeah!! Obviously he was talking about everything he didn't ring up yet. I paid him my total of $17.00, which probably would have been double that without his generous $2.00 charge for everything else. I will make up that $17.00 just by selling the Ionic Breeze and vintage see n say.

Friday I went back, and found this Fisher Price Spin and Bounce Zebra for $5.00. It does sell well on ebay but I am not brave enough to ship big items! Any who......I listed it on craigslist, and within 5 minutes I already received an email from someone saying they wanted to purchase it for my asking price of $20. Yeah! She came when she said she would, so it was an easy peasy transaction on Craigslist!

Hope you found some great deals!
